The loss of complete denture or a few teeth can completely hamper your self-confidence and may result in low self-esteem. Dentures are a brilliant solution for such people and are a quick fix for missing teeth. At Smile Matters Dentistry, we not only fix your denture but we build your lost confidence.
A denture is a prosthetic dental tool fabricated to fit in the place of the missing tooth/ teeth. Dentures that comes under the cosmetic dentistry are a well-established approach for missing teeth that can be conveniently fit in or pulled out as required. Depending on the extent of missing teeth, the Dentures can be complete/ full or partial and your dentist can help you ascertain that after a thorough examination. They are made from prosthetic material that is custom made to fit comfortably in your mouth. Dentures are a temporary yet convenient solution to missing tooth/ teeth, you can wear them all day long but they are not fixed like implants. But yes they are cost- effective and require less intervention than the other permanent replacement solutions.
Looking for Dentures in Brampton?
Let’s have an insight on dentures:
Dentures are a brilliant replacement for missing teeth. Usually, the dentures are of two kinds:
Complete denture: The Complete dentures come in to play after all the teeth are removed and the gums heal completely. The whole process of healing and then fitting in the denture takes around 8 to 12 weeks. During the process of gum healing, so that the person does not go without teeth, a temporary quick fix called immediate denture is made available prior to teeth removal.
Partial Denture: The role of partial dentures is essential if a person has one or a few teeth missing. Usually, when natural teeth are still intact in the upper as well as the lower jaw, replacement teeth are fitted in the gum using a pink colored base that is fixated using a metal framework.
Why choose Smile Matters Dentistry?
Dentures are a significant way to bridge the gap between your natural pearly whites. Smile Matters Dentistry extends the most advanced and complete denture makeover at their Brampton Dentures Clinic. Now regaining your lost smile is just a call away as the Smile Matters Dentistry clinic brings with it the most affordable Denture in Brampton. We are onsite, give us a call at 905-230-3200 to book your appointment.